Later August 2006 entries

Still blissed out and not really leaving the house much. Still nursing around 1 am and 4 am and 7 am every morning. And nursing takes about 90 minutes. Needless to say, we do a lot of sleeping during the day. Also, I have all of the news from CNN Headline News memorized.
Shane's minivan was stolen then found a few days later about six blocks away.
Sean got a promotion at his work.
I am excited about Laura's wedding in October.
I am not excited about all the traveling involved.
I am very overdue for a visit to my Starbucks.
I got Jalen's ashes, and plan to talk to Dad about where I can bury them.
Julie, Scott, and Loretto visited Sunday. Scott is healing amazingly well! Even though they swung by on their way back from Whistler, they still brought me American butter, and kept it on ice in a cooler all weekend. That's true friendship. Really.
It was so great having some 6rmsers here. Matt and Fernanda moved to New York, and I missed their Going Away party last Thursday night. That hurt. There are so many things that I am missing. Amy's working on an October party and I'm going to try to make it down for it. I just miss too many people.
Speaking of which, I just spoke to my ex-landlords in Seattle and I hope they come up for a visit soon. They're like family.

More great pictures of Katie & Shane's wedding here!
Dave & Debra had their baby - a girl! Geneva Addison was born just after midnight on August 4 (her due date!) weighing 8 pounds even.
P.S. Thank you for your kind comments and e-mails.

I know there are no words of comfort for you right now, but try to not lose sight of the fact that Jalen wouldn’t have been here at all for the last many, many years, were it not for you and your constant nurturing. Just like with Blizzard. Jalen was there for you during delivery – he would not budge from the bed – I know, because I tried to move him a couple of times and it simply was not to be. Even though I know you said you didn’t remember, you were stroking him during many a contraction. Who knows if he really knew what was occurring, but at some level I’m quite certain he did know that he needed to be right where he was, giving aid and comfort in the only way he could. He could not possibly have done any better and been more content with anyone else but you.
I’ll be thinking of you and what you’re facing later this afternoon. As unpleasant and painful as it is, I’m so thankful you and Sean agree that it is the only remaining humane option for Jalen. You have many pictures and warm memories and that’s the best gift Jalen could have left.



We've been adjusting quite nicely to family life, thanks to my Mom staying until the afternoon of the 29th and Kay (my step-mom) arriving on the evening of the 29th. Kay leaves the day Margeret (Sean's Mom) gets here. See how I worked that? There was no way I wanted to be left alone for five days. Even with two of us it's a struggle to get Ever in and out of my car (it's a two-door so you have to climb in and out since the car seat has to be rear facing). It's nice having someone here to make coffee and do laundry and do dishes. I need to have babies more often.
Ever's first at-office midwife appointment was yesterday. She's 7 lbs 9 oz so she's almost back at her original weight, which is expected by three weeks, and she was 12 days, so she's well on track. Her jaundice is on it's way out, and it's been determined that she's a genius. Well, okay, that last one was Sean's diagnosis. After the appointment Kay and I went to get an infant car seat (that all-in-one is way too wonky for a newborn, plus I wanted to be able to snap it out and carry it around and the all-in-one is GIANT in my car) and ended up scoring loads of pink clothes, a swing, and a super-duper stroller with the matching car seat/carrier. She had a banner day.
Another big deal (to us) was that we got Ever her first pacifier. We totally disagreed on the pacifier thing, assuming that my breastfeeding would render it unnecessary, but then we had issues with breastfeeding and had to get a nipple shield (which is exactly what Kate was trying to tell me), which is like putting a bottle nipple on top of your own to breastfeed, so what's the difference between that and a pacifier? So I called Sean at work and asked his opinion (Ever usually has a hand/fist/arm in her mouth) and after asking Dave "Should we get our baby a pacifier?" and Dave responding "Why the hell are you asking me this?" Sean decided, yeah, let's do it.
She LOVES the pacifier. It was like the best gift we've ever given her. And she's still eating plenty, thank you.
Gotta go stare at the baby....