The four of us trek to Indiana tomorrow - Todd and Carrie get married Saturday at Indiana University. From there, we head north to hang out with my Dad's side of the family until Wednesday, then Sean returns home, then Tomoka and Ever and I visit with my Mom until next Tuesday.
I won't even begin to tell you the trouble we went through to get Sean & Ever's passports in time. Sheesh!
I'm sorry I won't be able to update in the mean time... not that it will seem that different.

Tomoka is here!
Tomoka arrived Wednesday morning after a direct (!) flight from Osaka, Japan to Vancouver, which took nine hours. She stayed awake all day to try to adjust to the time-change, and she and Ever had some quality time together on their first day. Ever loves her. She's also done the dishes and laundry every day since she got here, so we love her too.
Today we went to Metrotown mall to shop for Todd's wedding (I didn't have a dress yet) and it was packed, so alas, we are going back again tomorrow.
Ever had a bout of teething last night - no crying, but lots of chewing on the furniture, the cat, my boobs. She finally fell asleep just before one a.m. No tooth yet, it could take a few more episodes, who knows. So she still just has her one lower tooth.
She is also getting pretty good at using her walker (video) - Tomoka and Sean have been practicing with her quite a lot. Geneva is standing on her own now, so the pressure's on (haha).
I finally signed on with Facebook - mostly to keep in touch with my cousins; but if you're on there, lemme know.
It's been raining for something like 5 days straight and should continue for another couple days. It's pretty dreary. I look forward to going to Indiana next weekend!